
Woodford Lions Club

In the early 1980’s, Morayfield Lions became aware that the growing town of Woodford did not have a service club. After many meetings, the Woodford Lions Club was chartered in 1984. The club met initially at the Woodford Hotel. Due to ownership and personal changes, meetings moved to the Community Hall, the Catholic Church Hall, and finally to our own den in Durundur Street.

The mantra of the club has always been to serve our local community first and foremost. Any monies raised from raffles, BBQ’S, and fundraising has been used to sponsor promising athletes, school bursaries and the Lions Youth of the Year. With co-operation of School P & C’s, we have provided equipment to both Woodford and Delaney’s Creek schools. The club has provided money to Drought Relief, helped in Flood Relief, and also helped a local family after fire destroyed their home.

A local lady required a monitor for her newborn, and the club was able to happily oblige. The members have built ramps for newly disabled locals and implemented working bees to clean-up overgrown yards and mow lawns. The club has also helped with a wheel chair for a local lady.

When the Woodford Folk Festival came to town, the club became involved on two fronts. Knowing the benefits that local business would receive from Festival patrons, the club helped in promoting the event. Secondly, the club was requested to provide volunteers to staff the Green Room at the Festival (instrument lock-up). This the club has done each year since without losing any items. The Festival have helped the club with sponsorship of the Street Carnival, namely with raffle donations and providing a facility for local children to learn lantern making. The lanterns were then paraded at our Street Carnival and used at the fire event, the closing event at the Festival.

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